Authors: Jason Pappalexis

Publish Date: August 30, 2017

Security teams wishing to conduct efficient and meaningful POCs must understand use case by gathering information about their users, applications, devices, and their underlying network architecture. Incident response costs and infection response costs must also be well understood in order to make the right decision. The teams conducting the POCs are likely to be the same teams that manage an organization’s day-to-day security operations; thus, it is in their best interests to focus on the most viable product options.

The final in a three-part series on selecting AEP products, this paper presents key published features of these products along with results from NSS’ first AEP group test.

What’s in this report?

  • Planning stage and proof-of-concept recommendations
  • Endpoint protection planning stage considerations
  • AEP v1.0 Group Test results summary
  • The importance of use case and purchase decisions
  • Product feature tables, including agent operating system support, minimum resource requirements, ancillary security features as well as central management insight including threat visibility, system visibility and data sharing.