Authors: NSS Labs

Publish Date: January 7, 2019

Since the advent of the Internet and, more importantly, since the emergence of the digital economy, the wide area network (WAN) has been a relatively static and predictable tool for enterprises. Without multi-site, assured performance connectivity, many applications would not function optimally, if at all. When architected well, WAN connectivity is expensive but generally predictable. Often, point-to-point circuits are built based on calculated performance loads, and they are accompanied by commercial service-level agreements (SLAs) that provide some guarantee of connectivity and performance. However, drawbacks to these circuits include time to provision (it can take weeks to set up a new circuit) and ongoing service fees. Historically, enterprises have had few options when it comes to commercial-grade service requirements. Alternatively, the consumer broadband offerings provide high- speed access links (e.g., cable and fiber to the home), which are affordable and widely available; however, they do not provide the service assurances that accompany commercial links.