Authors: NSS Labs

Publish Date: September 16, 2015

To evaluate network security devices in the most realistic deployment scenario possible, NSS Labs has created a unique testing infrastructure that incorporates multiple product combinations, or “stacks,” within the attack chain. Each stack consists of either an OS alone, or of an OS with additional applications installed (for example, a browser, Java, and Adobe Acrobat). These stacks make up the BaitNET™ test harness.

The NSS Labs Security Stack (Network) Test utilizes real threats and attack methods that exist in the wild and are used by cybercriminals and other threat actors in current campaigns. As part of the Security Stack (Network) Test, each device under test will be exposed to a constant stream of live exploits (also known as “drive-by” exploits) to determine its effectiveness at detecting and blocking attacks and preventing compromise of the protected endpoints.